
Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Signs You're Behind On Writing

Sometimes, you're writing at an incredible pace. Millions and billions of words flow from your fingertips, and you have twenty pages written in a matter of days.
Other times, you just can't get much done. You're not in the mood to work on any of your stories or blog post drafts, you can't focus on anything, or you procrastinate to no end. Here are some signs that you may have fallen too far behind.

  1. There's world-building stuff you've been meaning to work on for four years.
  2. You promised the Manx you'd draw new lands for them two years ago.
  3. You have a list of things to research that stretches from Anchorage, Alaska to Sydney, Australia. Millions of people are complaining, because they're sick of that to-do list lying across roads, houses, oceans... And yet, you still don't get it done, so they continue to complain.
  4. Your characters piled up stuff they want you to work on or look at, and it was recently mistaken for a mountain.
  5. Upon opening Blogger, you realize you have nothing finished and scheduled to post. So you have to get working soon, or no writing will be published this Wednesday.
  6. You look in on your character, and find that he's no longer a teenager. To your surprise, he has a long gray beard. Guess it's been a while, oops.
  7. Someone on Discord is convinced you never write. Like, ever.
  8. It's the tenth day of NaNo, and you only have about 4,000 words written.
  9. You open your manuscript, and find that it was last updated three months ago.
  10. One or two role-play replies make up the entirety of your writing in the past month or two.

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