
Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Advantages of Immortality

The concept of immortality has fascinated humanity for ages. (That darned Adam and Eve, they ruined it for us. We could have lived forever, but no...) We often find ourselves wondering: what would it be like, if were immortal? What if we all lived forever? Or what if some were immortal, but others weren't? What would life be like, if our lifespan went beyond the usual 70-90 years? Let's explore some of the good points of outliving Methuselah, shall we?

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Game Show Contestants

Most people have probably seen game shows, Whether it's "The Price is Right", "Do You Want to Be a Millionaire", or any number of other programs, we've seen them in some form.
But today, we're here to discuss the contestants of said shows. More specifically, the more... shall we say, exasperating contestants.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Things That Make No Sense

Throughout life, one comes across many things that make no sense. Here are a few examples.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019


Yes, that's its official name. It was huge. It was ugly. It was the most horrifying, terrible thing ever to crawl into our house.
Okay, so my description seems a bit melodramatic. But if you saw it, you'd feel the same way. Prepare yourselves, because this week, I'm telling the tale of the enormous bug that somehow appeared in our house. Just when you thought your home was safe...