
Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Out-Of-Context Quotes

Let's face it, some of our conversations with people can get pretty crazy. Or maybe they don't have to be weird in order to create... quotes that sound really bizarre or nonsensical without context. The sort of thing where if someone were to walk in mid-conversation, they would hear something like "Why are you boiling noils?" Or maybe "I'm going to have to turn on my trees." What does any of this even mean?

"I left to get dinner at 6:30 today but came back 3 hours later with a pool noodle, a trophy, and a can of root beer."



"I wish my whole body was mouth flesh!"

"My chicken is not a chair."

"Also, have fun drawing limbs and falling hopelessly in love with them."

"Next you'll be breaking my corgis in half."

"Glad to know the entire Phoenix Quill wants me to be eaten by a giant mutant Garfield."

"Is that King Umm?"

"The Goofy Fruit Loops Sink."

"And then it went down into an inferno and I got an achievement for being stupid."

"Well, there's nothing wrong with being a criminal."

"The lotr has spread too far."

"We should just change the name of this chat to mrrrp."

"I can't wait until the names reset and I am cleared of most of the mrrrp guilt."

"They're used to dying."

"I'm trying to arrange stuff on these cages, and my pet d20 is like 'HIIIIIIIIIII' and getting in the way."

"But by the time you've slaughtered it, it's set half the town on fire, so plenty of nice hot coals to work with."

Dragons destroying a city with fire

"Don't lick my mattress."

"You weren't even French to begin with!"

"If you accidentally drag off the wrong person, just make sure you finish the job."

"Look at that typeface. That's who you're entrusting your life to."

"Is he weak to alien teriyaki sauce?!"

"Are you still drinking this pickle juice?"

"Take out the antelope head!"

"But then the spider he was riding climbed the wall and he suffocated in the roof."

"Apparently people are worshipping me now. And being pyromaniacs while they're at it."

"The language of Heaven is coming out of its egg now."

"Yes, becoming male again is exciting."

"Frail cripples always have lightning-quick reflexes, and throw people one-handed across a room."

"Today I'm falling off my giant fish tank and dying."

"I forgot because Matthew was a hot dog."

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