
Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Writing Problems

Over time, I've encountered many issues during the writing process. Sometimes it's writer's block, or making mistakes, or finding giant plot holes. If you're a writer, you can relate. Or if you have a sense of humor, you'd probably get a laugh out of the insanity and chaos.
Either way, here's a compilation of my struggles and thoughts regarding writing.

Before writing, everything is clear and genius. Upon starting, all you have is an emoticon and two half-sentences.

How to world-build: Throw random info onto a page, and sift through it later. Behold, four billion unorganized scraps of research, some of which might actually be used in your story!

When you procrastinate for a while, then go back to your story and remember why you were procrastinating.

Saw a placeholder name highlighted in my manuscript, and a note beside it that said "name this region so Gaels don't kill you for breaking your promise".
I have a reminder to research something, which reads "Arthurian legends, so characters don’t get annoyed and feed you to an afanc".

Me:  Think of a clever sentence.
Brain:  Xander would have given his right kidney to escape this conversation.
Me:  Kidney?! Seriously?

Shoutout to typos that make it through multiple rounds of editing and proofreading.

Me writing:  Ugh, I can't do that because I'll be using "now" twice in one line.
Brain:  Shame we can't just use "rŵan" and "nawr". That would solve the problem.

When you realize you've been using the same minor character to move the plot forward, never letting anyone else help the character or advance the plot. The others call him Sion, but to me, his name will forever be Plot Device.

I'll give the character this name. Wait, I changed my mind about the setting, so I'll use this name. On second thought, that doesn't seem to fit their personality, so maybe I'll change it again.
Oh, and I have to rename this kingdom. And this town. I also don't like what I named the world.

Can I go back to my cousin's house? I had so many writing ideas while I was there.
-Flimsy Excuse 3,674,229,919

When you think it's funny to inconvenience the characters with bad weather, then read the last few chapters and discover it's been raining for days upon days without cease. Maybe you got a bit carried away...

Sometimes, you simply can't think of names for your characters or places, resulting in plot outlines or story drafts filled with placeholders. The problem has grown so ridiculous for me, I actually have a file called "Name Problems", where I keep track of all the names I need to change.

Character list in a story outline: Elfin man, neighbour woman, neighbour dude

When you say to yourself, "I'm going to write today," so you open your manuscript.
Then you start looking at articles and funny comics and pictures of puppies, and playing games, and getting snacks and drinks, and chatting online, and cleaning the computer mouse, and noticing the dust on your desk, and listening to cool music, and...
Hours later, your word count has increased by two.

I hate it when I write story notes, then look at back at them later and realize they're so vague, I have no idea what I meant.
"Write ice bear prison dream". I completely forgot what the dream was about, so I couldn't turn it into a story.
"Why brothers didn't know". Didn't know what?
"Cait sidhe bw". I have no clue what I had in mind with this.

You're working on a story or doing some world-building, and things get complicated. You plan to have a minor character, but they steal the show, and are so complex and interesting that you have to bring them back. You add something to the story, then realize that you just set yourself up to write something you know nothing about, so major research lies ahead.

Sneaking Tom meme- Developing a fantasy setting, winding up with ten languages

Using a program like Pro Writing Aid to help you edit your story, then discovering that you have a 58-word sentence. Maybe it's just a bit too long...

It's a bird! It's plane! It's the Adverb Police!
"There's too many adverbs here. I'm afraid I'll have to take you into custody."

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