Every November, NaNoWriMo (short for National Novel Writing Month) issues a challenge to people: write a novel in just one month. More specifically, they demand fifty thousand words. Now, I'm not one of those people who writes a zillion words in a single month, but it is a good way to challenge yourself with how many words you can get.
Well, recently, I decided I was going to do something new for the occasion. I've been seeing people on the forums with a Pokémon in their signature representing their word count. Sounds cool, right? So I thought to myself, why not try that myself? So I clicked on the link, and was sent to a lovely webpage allowing me to create my very own NaNoWriMon. These creatures gain 'experience' as your word count increases, and if they're a Pokémon that's part of an evolution chain, they'll evolve into their different forms if you gain enough words over the month.
Snazzy, huh? Of course, NaNo hasn't started yet, so I have no word count. Until then, my egg won't hatch. But stick around, for when November arrives and I start gaining words towards that glorious goal, I'll have a beautiful new Pokémon to raise.
Below is my lovely little Nova.

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