
Wednesday, December 9, 2020

The Never-Ending House Fire

Sometimes I have really weird dreams. Take, for example, the one I had a few nights ago.

I was at a family member's house, and she wasn't home at the time. She apparently had a baby, and a couple of people were babysitting him. At some point, they decided to go out for a while with the infant in tow.
A fire started in the house, and was spreading. When I realized the calamity, I tried to call 911. I kept hitting wrong keys, but finally succeeded in dialing the number.

House on fire

I was talking to the person on the other line, then realized I had no idea what the address was, so I couldn't tell them where to go. I was going through the house, trying to find a piece of mail so I could read the address off of it. I kept finding old mail that I knew didn't have her current address. (For some reason, it didn't occur to me to go outside and check the number on the building or mailbox, or check for a street sign, to find her current address.)
"If I called on the house phone instead of my cell phone, would you be able to trace where the call is coming from, and find the house that way?" I asked.
The woman said I could, so I said, "I'll call you right back."
Called on the home phone, and got connected to the most annoying and clueless guy. He was no help at all, and kept trying to make jokes, which I was in no mood for. At some point, I left the house, and was walking down the streets while on the phone with him. I was getting frustrated, and finally lost all patience and started yelling at him. I mean, a family member's house was on fire, and I couldn't get anywhere with him.

Around that time, the dream ended, so for all I know, the house burned down without the 911 operator ever sending those fire trucks. Thanks, fictional person. You were a big help in preventing disaster in Dream Land.

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