
Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Simplistic or Uncreative Place Names

There are great many places in the world, with different names. Some of them are surprisingly simplistic. And, in some cases, they may not seem very creative. Below are a few of these.

The city of Whynot, North Carolina got its name because residents argued over what to call it. After many hours of "Why not name it..." someone stood up and said, "Why not name it 'Why Not' and then we can all go home?" And so they did.

Blue Mountains

A mountain range in Australia.

Blue Mountains, looking very... blue.

"Well, from here, they look kind of blue."
"Let's call it the Blue Mountains!"

Rocky Mountains

Another mountain range, this one in the United States. I guess since they were rocky, the name just came naturally to the mind of whoever named it.

Unnecessary Mountain

Located in British Columbia, Canada, this peak in the North Shore was once a route to reach The Lions, a pair of mountain peaks. As it's now considered unnecessary for getting there, it became known as... yeah.


Speaking of Australia, it's not quite as unique as you might think. The name is derived from the Latin word 'australis', which means 'southern'. Fitting name for something that's in the Southern Hemisphere.

River Avon

Somebody really didn't have any original ideas when they came up with this, or maybe they just wanted a laugh. There's actually a few Avon Rivers in the world, in Great Britain, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.
But makes this name so brilliant? Well, the name 'Avon' is derived from the Welsh word 'afon', which means 'river'. So basically it's the River River, or the Afon Avon.

'Gilmore Girls' meme- It's repetitive. And redundant.

"So Bob, what should we name this river?"
"Uh, uh... I know! Let's name it 'river', but in another language!"
"Cool! Sounds good to me!"

Oklahoma City, Minnesota City

And so on, and so forth.

"Hmm, it's a city in Oklahoma, what shall we call it?"
"How about Oklahoma City?"


A city in England known for its Roman-built baths, so what did they call it? Bath. Easy to remember what's there, at least.


Who came up with that? Did somebody look at a boulder and think, "Well, there's a big rock here, so we'll call it Rock." This one is a village in Cornwall, which I would imagine has plenty of rocks.
Actually, the name has changed and shortened over time, but nonetheless, the result is amusing.


Another village in Cornwall. Might be a good place to do some shopping.

Price tag at a British store


A place in Tennessee. Makes you wonder how that name came about.

"Dude, I just can't think of a name."
"Okay." (writes 'Nameless' on the map)

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