
Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Reasons Not To Get Out of Bed

There are morning people, and then there are people who appreciate the softness of a good mattress, the warm snuggly feeling of being enveloped by blankets, the bliss of a nice pillow. Below are some good excuses reasons not to leave that wondrous, luxurious thing.

  1. Gravity is unusually strong this morning.
  2. I tried to get up, but the bed attacked me. It grabbed me and held me down.
  3. The blankets were too heavy to lift and I was trapped.
  4. It's too cold out there. If I leave the warm shelter of my blankets, I might freeze.
  5. I lay there so long I became one with the bed.
  6. I have my book and a water bottle right here. Everything I need is at my fingertips.
  7. Well, I'm not really hungry yet, so I'll just lie here for a while.
  8. There's a rottweiler lying across my legs. I can't move.
  9. No one's home to tell me to get out of bed. I'll just stay here forever.
  10. If I get up, I'll have to do chores.
  11. I'm still tired. Perhaps an hour or ten more of sleep?

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