
Monday, February 1, 2016

If Characters Became Real, Vol. II

We've known plenty of fictional characters in our lives. We read about them in books, see them in movies and TV shows. However, what if those characters ended up in the real world? With characters living in other places, different time periods, or alternate realities, the possibilities are endless. In this post, we'll be exploring a few of these possibilities.
If anybody has suggestions for interesting scenes, please leave a comment.

"I don't think we're ever going to find anything, Paul." a teenage boy said as he walked through the woods.
"Are you always this pessimistic?" his friend asked him.
"We had to jump the battery in your truck again, it tried to die on the way here, and there's no telling if it'll start up when we get back. It was so windy last night we couldn't keep a fire going, so we had to eat a cold dinner. We nearly killed ourselves trying to pitch the tents, and they both had holes in them, a fact we discovered when it poured rain all night long. Most of our stuff got wet, including the matches, and we're half-frozen. In fact, I think I have icicles hanging from my eyebrows."
"Don't be a sissy." Paul replied. "You'll see, our luck will change."
"It can't get much worse." the other boy grumbled.
"We're going to bag the biggest deer yet. Maybe a five point or bigger. That'll give us something to shut Greg up. He's always telling those tales about how he got a thousand deer in one hunting trip, killed a mountain lion that was coming at him, outsmarted a hungry grizzly. Wouldn't you like to have something to brag about for a change, Rick?"
"So far, the only thing we have to brag about is our world-record frostbite. My fingers are so stiff, I don't think I could shoot a deer if I saw one."
"If you keep whining, no game will come within a hundred-mile radius of here."
Both of them fell silent for a while, moving stealthily through the forest. Their breaths were puffs of white smoke in the frigid morning air. Then they heard a noise, and both of them stopped. They became still, only their eyes moving as tried to find the source of the sound.
After a long moment, they began to see a shape off in the distance. They strained to make out its features in the dim light and the mist. It seemed very large, and brown. It was perhaps one of the largest deer they had ever seen. Paul's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly took aim.
There was a loud crack which shattered the early morning silence. The shape flinched, but to their utter surprise, it didn't fall, nor did it run off. Instead, it moved closer. Their eyes grew wide as they saw it clearly for the first time.
"Who are you?" a voice shouted. The boys stared with bulging eyes. "I said, identify yourselves!" The strange figure was holding up a crossbow and pointing it at them.
Paul glanced at Rick, as though uncertain if he was seeing correctly. But Rick's expression suggested he was seeing the same thing.
"For someone insolent enough to threaten us with that contraption, you haven't much bravery. I haven't tolerance for cowards like you."
"P-p-please, mister." Rick said, hoping it was just an optical illusion. It surely couldn't be what he thought it was. "We didn't mean to-"
"Silence!" the figure said. "You have a great deal of nerve. Perhaps a lesson or two will cure you of that."
More shapes emerged from the mist, each of them as unbelievable as the first. They were holding spears, crossbows, longbows, and other weapons, some of which the boys didn't recognize. The two boys stood there in terror for a moment, then suddenly turned and fled.
"Cowards!" a voice yelled. The boys heard the twang of bows, and deadly projectiles flew past them.
"Hurry!" Rick said as they ran. He could hear Paul muttering curses in a panic-stricken tone.
"Fools!" "Spineless wretches!" "Come back and face us!" voices cried out. The boys continued running for a long while, hoping none of the arrows or bolts would hit them.
"Well." the first figure said, lowering his crossbow, "I suppose we've taught them a bit of a lesson, at least."
"Hardly. What were those things they were carrying, anyway?" another figure said, swishing his tail.
"Who knows. Perhaps some rudimentary attempt at magic. Obviously it was more of a scare tactic than a weapon. Only designed to make loud noise." the first figure said.
"There might be more skilled wizards around these parts." someone said.
"Maybe. But they should be wise enough not to bother us." the first figure said. "Let's head out. We have a lot of ground to cover today."
The others nodded. Turning, the group of centaurs galloped away.

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