Came into work one day, and was going through the usual routine. Making sure the bathrooms and dining area were stocked and clean, taking customers' orders, that sort of thing. It was summer, so it wasn't very busy like it is on school days.
At one point, I noticed one of the trash cans seemed full. Shoved the trash down, just to make sure, but it didn't make much difference. All right, time to take this out. I pulled the bag out of the trash can, twisted the top and tied it. Around that time, people started coming in. Great. It was fairly slow, but the instant I started taking the trash out, that's when customers start showing up. I'll have to serve them here in a moment...
More customers came in after them. I literally have a bag of trash sitting on the floor in the dining area, and... more customers are coming in. And more. Literally right in the middle of me getting rid of trash, a LITERAL HORDE of people was suddenly pouring in.
"I'll be with you in a moment!" I shouted to the mass of people, then hurriedly put new bags into the can, shoved in into its place, and rushed to the dumpster with the mob-summoning bag of garbage. As I did all this, I noticed there was a great big bus in the parking lot.
Went back inside and behind the counter, where I started taking the orders of an entire busload of people, most of them kids. Apparently, they just came from a Christian youth camp, or something. At one point, one of the adults said he wanted to order six of the taco party packs. Keep in mind that a party pack has 12 tacos.
"And... you said you wanted six of the party packs?"
"Yes. Three of them with hard shell tacos, and three with soft shell tacos."
Rang up his order of 72 tacos, and thought, Those poor people in the kitchen. They're gonna be making tacos until they die.
Took the orders of even more kids, many of which paid in cash. I watched as my supply of quarters grew small. I decided to just use the dimes and nickels more. But I was running low on pennies, too. But it seemed like an inconvenient time to ask one of the other employees, "Hey, I need more change in the register," because everyone else was super-busy, too. So I was just hoping I didn't run out of pennies.
As an added bonus, there was one kid who ordered and gave his name as Nebuchadnezzar. An incredibly long, convoluted name, which I guarantee you I spelled wrong. Christians are supposed to be nice, why did this kid's parents have to torture me like this?
After taking about forty billion orders and counting a zillion dollar bills and coins, I finally got through the great influx of people. By the end of it, I had only two or three pennies left in the register. I told the manager I needed more quarters and pennies for the register, then started cleaning things in the dining area. A lot of them ordered their food to go, so it wasn't too bad, but I still wiped down some stuff and did some sweeping. Also found a lot of random coins that had been dropped on the floor, or lying forgotten on tables.
Took my lunch break, then promptly remembered something when I went to get fire sauce. Shoot, I was going to check on the sauce packets in the dining room and do some stocking. Ah well, I'll do it after I get off lunch. Some of those sauces were greatly depleted. So after I finished lunch, I replenished things in the dining area.
The rest of the day was fairly normal after that. But good gravy, that hour of chaos...
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