
Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Fails and Doofus Things

We've all made some ridiculous mistakes in our lives. Some of them are embarrassing, and others are humorous. For this week's blog post, I've compiled examples of when people have committed amusing fails.

  1. As a kid, I once gave my mother a nosekiss, then decided to be funny and keep moving my head from side to side as I walked away. However, I couldn't navigate well while doing that, so I ran into a cabinet.
  2. In the US, people generally finish school at age 18. So when Deborah Kelty said she was going to college, I was surprised, seeing as she was only sixteen. "Wow, you're done with school already?" I said. Later on, I discovered that in the UK, people typically finish secondary school at 16.
  3. A friend had to set her alarm to get up the next morning. She sleepily headed into the kitchen, went to the stove, then paused and thought, "Wait, why am I about to set the kitchen timer?"
  4. The times I've put something down, then immediately forgotten where I put it, or searched for something that was in my hand. I think everyone's done this, but still.
  5. I was eating a homemade Rice Krispies treat during Bible Study, dyed orange with a Tootsie Roll in the center to look like a pumpkin. I was eating the 'stem', which got firmly stuck to my back teeth, when I was asked to read. Not wanting to stick my fingers in my mouth to pry the candy off, I tried to read aloud with it still there. It didn't go as planned, and that Bible passage was relayed with a terrific lisp.
  6. While scrolling social media, I saw a picture of a sign on a fence. The sign said 'Pulling Station', and I couldn't figure out what that was. I puzzled over it for a while, then finally decided, "You know what, I'm gonna look that up. I think it was 'pulling station', let me double-check." Upon looking at the image again, I realized that because a fence rail overlapped the words slightly, I was misreading 'O' as 'U'. "Oh, Polling Station! That makes so much more sense."
    Sign reading 'Gorsaf Bleidleisio - Polling Station'
  7. One of my friends was having awful luck during Dungeons and Dragons. She always got low dice rolls, so life was hard for her poor character. One day, while coloring her dice so the numbers were more visible, she discovered that her 20-sided dice went to 1-10 twice. There was no 11-20.
  8. On another occasion, the same friend accidentally used her 12-sided dice for rolls, and didn't realize her mistake until the roleplaying session was nearly over.
  9. While finishing this post, I thought it was Monday. Then I looked at the date on my computer, and realized it was actually Tuesday. Here I was thinking I had today and tomorrow to finish before Wednesday, and I didn't. And then I realized that since it's after midnight, 'today' (aka Monday) is over.
  10. A high school classmate told us that he almost passed his driving test. He was doing well, performed everything correctly. Everything seemed great, until he was driving back to the DMV and missed the turnoff. He panicked, then did an illegal u-turn to get back on course.

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