
Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Curious Case of the Church Coughing Fit

Has anyone ever had the problem of recalling something that happened, but no one else seems to?
"Hey, remember when..."
"No. Are you sure that really happened?"
Yes. That issue. No one seems to know what you're talking about. Finally, you begin to wonder: is it that everyone you ask either wasn't there or forgot about it, or is your memory wrong? Perhaps it was a dream you had, and you mixed it up with reality. Talk about feeling confused.

'Anyone else recall stuff no one else does?' 'Now you can rest uneasily knowing you're the sole protector of it.'

Which brings me to my story. I've mentioned it to a few people, and no one seems to recall this event. But whether real or not, dream or not, I'm going to record it here. Maybe I'll put something similar into my stories one day, who knows. But rambling aside, here's my tale.

At the church I used to go to, our pastor was from Germany. He came to the US as a foreign exchange student when he was a teenager, and he occasionally goes back to visit family. He sometimes mentions this in stories he tells about his life.
Anyway, one day during service, the pastor was talking, and someone in the congregation began coughing, Then multiple people started having coughing fits, and soon it was difficult to make out what the pastor was saying.
After a little while, people started to notice that the pastor was no longer speaking English. He had apparently switched, perhaps to see how long it would take for everyone to realize. At this, some of the people began chuckling. The coughing fits over and their attention regained, he continued what he was originally talking about.

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