
Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Automatic Things in Bathrooms

There's nothing greater than walking into a public restroom... and discovering that oh no, they have automatic toilets. Or automatic sinks, or whatever the case may be. These evil things were clearly designee by someone who enjoys watching people suffer (see 'schaudenfreude').

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Curious Case of the Church Coughing Fit

Has anyone ever had the problem of recalling something that happened, but no one else seems to?
"Hey, remember when..."
"No. Are you sure that really happened?"
Yes. That issue. No one seems to know what you're talking about. Finally, you begin to wonder: is it that everyone you ask either wasn't there or forgot about it, or is your memory wrong? Perhaps it was a dream you had, and you mixed it up with reality. Talk about feeling confused.

'Anyone else recall stuff no one else does?' 'Now you can rest uneasily knowing you're the sole protector of it.'

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

The Working Process

We plan to do stuff. We'll vacuum the house, do the Mt. Everest of dishes in the sink, finish our philosophy paper, complete that thing we promised someone last millennium... and then we don't actually get started. Perhaps we make an attempt, only to discover we have no attention span today. Or we opened social media for five seconds... and now we're sucked into some endless rabbit trail that dedicated procrastinators seem to naturally find. Oops, you've gone three hours without even looking at your manuscript!

If you feel bad about procrastinating, Mozart wrote the overture to 'Don Giovanni' the morning it premiered

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Old Writing Excerpts

I watched a video by Abbie Emmons, called 'Reading my (terrible) OLD WRITING!' She read some original stories and fan-fiction from years ago, pointing out some of the flaws in them. And that got me thinking. Why not post some of my own writing from days of old?
Brace yourself, folks, because some of these are from long ago, and some are from weird writing phases.

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Texas Chainsaw Massacre Inn

Mom and I were travelling to a see a friend of mine graduate, and visit my brother. It was getting late in the day, and we wanted to find a hotel soon and get something to eat. For a while, we seemed to be having no luck; either there were no hotels around, or the signs promised lodging ahead... only for us to drive through and be unable to find it.
Finally, in La Pine, Oregon, we saw a place called Timbercrest Inn. Even better, a pizza place was right next to it. Convenient, right? Glad to have finally found a place to sleep for the night, we parked and walked into the office.

Pepperoni pizza