
Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Death By Hiccups

My brother came home from work one day, and we asked how his day was. "Well," he replied, "other than almost dying today, it was fine."
Apparently, at some point during his shift, he got a case of the hiccups. He does online shopping orders, so he was going around the store while hiccupping over and over. He tried various methods of getting rid of his hiccups, but they persisted.

Bottle of Smartwater

Finally, he decided to try drinking some water. Problem was, right as he went to swallow, he hiccupped. Since he was in the grocery section, he was trying desperately not to cough and spray water everywhere. So there he stood, making strangled choking noises while he attempted to swallow.
A spectacle like that is bound to attract the attention of everyone around, right? "No. Earlier I hiccupped loudly, and someone asked me if I was all right. But me dying in the middle of produce? No one batted an eye."