
Thursday, September 15, 2016

Poop Candy

My uncle was looking after his young grandson, and they decided to get a snack. My uncle offered a popsicle to him, and his grandson replied, "No, I want poop candy."
This confused my uncle. What is poop candy? He told his grandson, "We don't have any of that."
"Yes, you do!" his grandson said.
"You're going to have to show me where it is." his grandfather said, still not knowing what he was talking about.
They walked into the kitchen, and his grandson pointed to a cabinet where candy was kept. My uncle pulled out various things, trying to figure out what his grandson wanted.
Finally, my uncle took out some Caramello bars, and his grandson said, "Yeah! That's it!" My uncle gave him the candy, and he happily munched on it.
When my cousin returned, my uncle asked her, "What is poop candy?"
My cousin laughed and said, "Well, I had some Caramello bars, and I didn't want to share them with the kids, so I told them it was candy to make me go poop."
"Well, now he calls it poop candy." my uncle said.

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